Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Week: Getting Bigger/Getting Obsessed





Chicky-chicky-chicky and Odile

Drumstick and Chicky

Nikita patiently waiting for us to give her a chick. Poor girl. It'll never happen.


chihuahua5 said...

poor nikita...perhaps she thinks they are more babies?

the chicks are super cute!!

Beth said...

I freaking want a chick! When I was a kid, my grandfather (a farmer) let me buy a chick to raise. It was solid black, so I cleverly named it Black Black. I see your kids are more creative than me (and I'm jealous).

Seriously, Chicky chicky chicky looks like he/she has some attitude. Gotta love attitude in a chick.

AnnetteK said...

I'm so jealous you have chickens! I want some!

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