Monday, August 18, 2008


from the dining room: Mr Dog, "Everyone got ice water. Why didn't I get ice water." Little Dog, with absolute conviction as he thrust his fist into the air, "cause you want WINE!"

from the bathtub: Trying to convince Little Dog to wash his hair, Mr. Dog, "Put your hair in the water." Big Dog in his best pirate voice, "But not in these 7 seas. Arrrrr!"

at Trader Joe's : Little girl in shopping cart and her mom, "I think we got everything, we 're done!" Little girl, obviously distressed, "Noooo, what about the cookies?"

in the arts and crafts room: Big Dog busy painting his T-Rex model with Little Dog, "Now we're painting his under-butt"

at the park: Little girl to her mommy, "I want you to do what I tell you to do. You know that."

in the living room: Big Dog, playing with his plastic cowboys, two cowboys taking aim at a third solo cowboy, "You aren't like us, we show our butts."

in my bedroom: as I got dressed, putting a tank top over my pretty purple bra, Big Dog, "Is that going to keep your beautiful purple gown in place?"

on the porch swing: tough guy in saggy pants and head rag, walking past the house while Dashiell barks at him, excitedly to his friends, "Hey! That's like Scooby Doo! That's the kind of dog Scooby Doo is supposed to be!"


Z said...

And did you laugh at each and every one of these? Because they all just put a smile on my face :)

Mrs. F said...

My favorite? A toss up between the "wine" and the "Pirate".

Love when you do these!

Anonymous said...

We love pirate talk around our house too! I just love the things kids say.

Robin said...

Great stuff. Love the under-butt.

geekymummy said...

I guess Scooby doo was a great dane, I didn't realize that until just now!

Maura said...

Scooby Doo! Cute. :-)

mamikaze said...

I spit crackers all over my screen at "You want wine!" that boy is so funny.

Anonymous said...


Good to see you! I'll be hanging around your blog(s? what is with the multiple blogs?) too.

Anonymous said...

Ignore my last comment. I see now that your other blog is a food blog and that is why it is an entity all its own.

Carry on...

Unknown said...

I love the ice water wine bit. Little dog is soooo smart!

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