If he is like my husband he doesn't read blogs, and will never see this picture unless you show him. Then he will say "That is cool! I am an internet celebrity or something"
I love your husband too. He is like mine...but much taller!
In April of 2005, my husband and I packed up our two dogs and toddler and moved to Seattle from the San Francisco Bay area. Shortly after our move, I became pregnant with our second child. As exciting as this was, it definitely put a cramp in my ability to explore our new home town. I'm still working hard at adjusting to the new digs.
As a working mom to two small boys, I manage to keep pretty busy. Between business meetings, play dates and pediatrician appointments, there isn't much time left for personal pursuits. But that is a trade off I am willing to make. I'll find time for myself when the boys are old enough to borrow the car, right?
And as though that isn't enough, when we moved we bought our first house, a major fixer upper. Yeah, we wanted the "this Old House" experience, but little did I realize that it would lead to such great experiences, like the sudden loss of running water from a broken water main, or a leaky sewer pipe that kept the toilet off limits for days.
All I can say is that life sure is interesting!
If he is like my husband he doesn't read blogs, and will never see this picture unless you show him. Then he will say "That is cool! I am an internet celebrity or something"
I love your husband too. He is like mine...but much taller!
Holy crapola - I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!
Happy WW!!
What a fun photo! The shipping envelope adds a nice flare.
Nice hat, Mr Dog. And nice sword too. (snigger).
Ha! It will totally be worth it though, the divorce. Just to have this evidence for the Blogosphere to witness. Completely worth it. He's rad!
That is cute. The danger, the peril of the balloon sword. Tell him the women of the blogosphere think he looks dashing in a manila envelope.
That is the best "why I love my husband" photo I've ever seen! Hilarious!!!
Ah, but you'd do it again, wouldn't you?
'A picture is worth a thousand words'... so true! ROLF!
that is the type of hubby one should aspire for !! mine is great as well. found you from AM
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