Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Before: The project begins.

Mr. Dog as Morgan Spurlock?

Pornstache? Magnum?

Happy to be shorn!


Beth said...

My husband shaved his beard once and his girls cried and cried. He let it grow back and had never shaven it completely off again.

I love the progression of pictures! Funny!

Anonymous said...

I love this man. Every last hairy inch of him.


chihuahua5 said...

hee hee!!! love it...with that "post" smile he looks like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit :)

mamikaze said...

HAHAHAHA! that second picture is SO Ron Jeremy!

Wev said...

haha! I can't grow facial hair, not properly anyhow, I recently had a "shaggy from Scooby Doo" dealy on my chin, but was told no nookie until I shaved it off...

Z said...

haha, love the pictorial of the transformation :)

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