Yeah, Top Chef. I'm pissed off about it, wanna make something of it? Let's just start by saying Hosea is not the Top Chef. Sure he started off strong, and early on was identified as the one to beat, but as the competition went on, he floundered. I mean, at one point he even screwed up his big fish dish, and he's the chef at a seafood restaurant. And in the last few episodes he did everything he could to throw everyone else under the bus. Come on!
Ok, Stephan was an ass, but he really knew how to cook. And he was versatile. When other chefs had bad circumstances, he'd jump in and help. He even said that if he won, he wanted to win on the merits of his food, not because of someone else's bad luck. That's the real game, isn't it. Sure he had a shitty attitude, was cocky as hell, refused all critique and didn't seem to understand what "lesbian" means, but he knew his food. And he wasn't the Top Chef either.
And then there's Carla. Or Beaker as we called her around here. She made mistakes, but she owned them. If she fucked up, she called it herself before anyone else had to point it out for her. She never tried to foil her competition, she tried to cook good food. And she had some amazing success. As Tom said, when she cooked from her heart, her food was outstanding. So why'd she lose? Because she listened to someone else and compromised her own vision. Because they put the entire verdict of the show on one freakin' meal. Because she had too much integrity as a chef to put something on the plate that she knew was wrong. And it pisses me off. She deserved to win, not some dumb asshat who played the game as though it was Culinary Survivor.
Why shouldn't she be able to say, "I tried something different and I wouldn't do it again." or "I refuse to serve a dessert that is less than perfect." Why can't the one who takes criticism in stride, the one who plays well with others and the one who really got the point of the process win for a change? Because in this case it's a little too much like real life. And that pisses me off too.
I've never watched the show. It sounds interesting but my *reality* is about all I can take. :)
Besides, I'm married to my Top Chef.
I completely agree. I hate the concept of screwing over other contestants as part of the game (i.e. survivor). Why does that behavior get rewarded over and over? If you've ever watched Hells Kitchen you'll know what I mean. It's ridiculous. . .
And yet, I can't stop watching (insert self loating here:) )
I agree completely.
I only saw a couple episodes of Top Chef, I had to stop watching, because I have enough shows that I am completely emotionally wrapped up in (as you seem to be with this show!). I get addicted easily.
Carla should have won. Stephan was a cocky bastard, he needed to go. Hosea, meh.
fully agree. beaker should have won. and if not beaker than stephan. he's an ass, but his food is good. hosea's was....okay...throughout the season. chef is done...when do i get my project runway? the 2 networks are still in dispute, but it already finished being filmed with the final contestants showing their stuff at NY fashion week in feb 2009.
dude....i need my wednesday night fix (other than sawyer with his shirt off on LOST)
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