Thursday, April 9, 2009

I love you, but...

I do, I love being a mom. My kids are amazing little people. They're funny, smart and full of love. I like to read to them. I like to cook with them, play games with them, sing songs with them. I like being mommy. I love the snuggles, the hugs, the little-bit-too-wet kisses. I love seeing myself in the boys, and seeing Mr. Dog in the boys. And I love seeing the pieces of the boys that are completely their own.

They overwhelm me with emotion. I am left spinning, completely in awe of how altered my life is and how much I have changed from who I used to be. And even with that much change, I am equally impressed by how little I miss the way things were pre-kids.

Let me just say this...Boys, I love you. But mommy wants to watch Lost. Shhhhh.


Natural said...

LOL. I know how you feel. My kid needs to be in bed and leave me alone when desperate housewives comes on.

ML said...

Oh, yes, yes, yes!! So touching and beautiful and REAL. Now, go somewhere else...

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