Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One line to just about sum things up.

Sometimes I feel like a woman made of glass walking a greased tightrope.


Mel said...

I absolutely empathize; though our situations may be different, I have felt that way. At one point I was working, going to college and trying to be a good parent. Had to stop going to school after a year because of that feeling of fragility.

Mrs. F said...

I have never heard that saying before. Oh, maybe did you just make it up? It is cute.

In any case, I hope your tightrope gets ungreased. Or something. I hope things start going your way...

followthatdog said...

I just made it up, but it seems to fit right now.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.

chihuahua5 said...

"wearing a thong" ....i'd add that last part just for emphasis.

hang in there red.

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