Friday, July 3, 2009

Sitting on my ass or How I spent my days off

I've had this week off work. Not really by choice, but I wasn't really opposed to the idea either. Similar to our "Spring Break" in April, this week was required time off for all US employees. Since I'm fairly loaded up with vacation days and I never really take much time off on my own, it works out for me pretty well.

After a few days in Portland with my family, I came back to Seattle with the boys and had two days free of mommy responsibilities while they were at preschool. Sounds heavenly, doesn't it? I'm not trying to say I don't like being a mom, but there are times I wish I had a secret room I could use as a retreat when they keep climbing on me and demanding my attention. I'm glad they like me, but it is hard to be in the spotlight of motherhood at all times.

Anyhow, as I looked forward to these two days, I had big plans. I was going to sew, I was going to organize, I was going to pamper myself. Right. Like any of that happened. Instead after walking the boys to school, I spent some precious one on one time with Mr. Dog. We took a walk to a local restaurant where we had some food and drew inspiration from an elderly couple who were also dining there. They came in wearing matching suspenders (yes, you read that right), loudly ordered their "usual" before they even sat down and the woman chattered mindlessly about every inane thing, including commenting on the fishing show they had on in the bar "They seem to be catching a lot of fish," while he husband sat silently holding her hand, nodding occasionally. I told Mr. Dog that this couple was us in 30 years, to which he replied with a pantomime finger gun to his head. That means he adores the very idea of it, right?

Today was less active. I took the boys to school, picked up the necessary items for my planned sewing project, then sat on the couch reading stuff on the internet and listening to a book on CD. (Go ahead and mock me, Mr. Dog. You know you want to.) I even caught up on work email and did a few tasks on my to do list so Monday won't be a total horror. I'm so lame. The saddest part is that I felt like I should be doing other things, but I really just wanted to sit on my ass. So I did. And it was freakin' great. You should try it. (but use your own ass, mine's occupied)


Kaza said...

This is exactly how I've spent the last few days (minus the obligatory bbq we had to attend yesterday). I would have felt guilty, but I'm coming down with a nasty summer cold so it's easy to indulge in the ass-sitting.

geekymummy said...

so envious! Glad you got to have a break.

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