For a long time I sincerely thought I'd never get married. My attention span was short, I dated jerks, huge jerks and when I looked at marriage with cool detachment, I didn't think I'd survive it. Really, isn't marriage all about compromise and patience? Don't have patience, suck at compromise. It would be a losing proposition. I wasn't the only one thinking I was going solo for the duration. Although I'd been living with Mr. Dog, my mom was stunned to near speechlessness when I called to tell her we were getting married. And no, I wasn't pregnant, and yes, I was thrilled! At some point I'd had a perspective shift and forgotten to fill her in.
It wasn't a lightening bolt moment. More like a "wow, there's a hot guy in my kitchen...cool!" moment that turned into a flirtation, a friendship and after a long tortured in between period, a relationship. Then there was the "maybe spending the rest of my life with this guy, my best friend, my partner in crime and the best pole dancer in the western world, would rock after all" moment. That was the biggie. And it felt right.
It still does. We're working on 7 years here, and he's still the hot guy in my kitchen, even if my kitchen is now filled with kids and dogs and too much clutter. After all this time, he's still my best friend who gets my jokes. And better yet, he puts up with my significant collection of flaws and quirks. He survived my explosively hormonal pregnancies and puts up with my weepy mommy moments. He nods tolerantly as I explain how hilarious I am, and demand my constant praise because he knows that's what it takes to keep me going.
It's not completely one-sided. I'm a pretty good wife, or so I claim. He gets my undying adoration, my support and my outstanding sense of humor. And though he's my perfect match, he's still human. I put up with football and his ongoing destruction of cellphones (though I've lost my ground to be superior on this one). I live with the toilet seat up, and have gained a new understanding of what "I'll be back in an hour" or "It should be done next week" really means. I even set aside my vegetarian ethics and buy him bacon from time to time. And it is all worth it.
I still think he got the short end of the stick in this deal, but he isn't complaining and I'm still counting my lucky stars.
Sounds like you are a lucky woman. Glad to hear that you are married to your best friend.
1. Lucky woman! Lucky man.
2. Need photos of the pole dancing.
3. (whispering) Typo in your title.
I think the best marriages are the ones where both people feel like they are getting the better end of the bargain!
Well said.
i think you 2 are perfect for each other...i'm also happy to benefit from your bacon purchases too.
do i foresee pole dancing on the horizon in october?
OMG. He pole dances. That is awesome.
Great post!
Such a great post - and I hear ya on a lot of it!!!
aww this is awesome! Thanks for sharing
You guys BOTH lucked out!
I hope there is a spot for a shiny dancing pole somewhere in those remodel plans! Got to pass on those skills to the next generation.
So fun! Hot guy in your kitchen, I love it. Especially if he's cooking- that's the hot guy you can't let get away.
What a great post. I too love a hot guy in the kitchen. Congrats on 7 years!!
sounds like a perfect match to me. And I think your husband is a lucky, lucky man! ;)
We need to get together (you know the whole fandamily) because I think that we have parallel marriages. Except Mr. T doesn't cook and really likes Mc Donald's, but he can destroy a cell phone like nobody's business, and puts up with my homicidal like pregnant tendencies, and my lunatic moments of motherhood. 10 years this coming FRIDAY and it still feels like it has just been a few months! Way to go!
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