Really, I'll do it. That's right, I'll give it up completely. No more blogging if you guys keep on reading and not commenting. It's been three days since I got a comment. I'm a comment junkie and I've got a major jonze. It's like I'm talking to myself here. And after living in San Francisco for 16 years I know first hand that the people who talk to themselves generally smell like urine. I don't want to be that girl.
We really don't want you to be that girl either! I'm here, and I'm reading!
I'm just finishing up the week from hell and I am all kinds of behind on blogging, cleaning, grocery shopping, sleeping, etc.
I'll catch up one day! Don't quit!
I'm reading. I just don't usually comment because I've been so bad at updating my own blog I don't want people to find me there and have that be their first impression. It's really still all about me - you can see the problem...
Hey! I haven't been ignoring YOU, I've been ignoring everyone :)
Don't go!!!!!!!!
ok, that was a cheap ploy however I respect such things.
And I firmly believe that being homeless is no excuse for pissing yourself.
Don't quit! I am still here. I have almost 500 blogs to catch up on in my reader. I have been a lazy douche lately! Sorrrrry!
Thank you! I feel much better now, and I'm pretty sure I don't smell like pee.
And ML, your blogger profile is set as private so I can't see which blog is yours. How do I get there??
Damn right. See how well it worked too.
I LOVE reading every blog you write and ponder about them often in my own head (even call my husband over for a good laugh) and fail to realize (am really lazy) the importance of responding because I get caught up in my day to day and take for granted how much your view of the world often colors my day :) I often think "Oh, Laura's blog is updated, cool!" I search you out almost every day and am addicted so please don't go! I'll be a better commenter, I promise! :)
keep writing red, keep on writing. i was reading this while in china and was the total comic relief i needed.
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